Monday 24 June 2013

6 x 4 = 24

Today is my birthday. 乘法表日,haha! Because 24/6/1996. 6 x 4 = 24. LOL. Nobody's laughing. Hahahaha but today's way too awesome. Last year in secondary school and I've heard this very class sang two times the Birthday song for me, 4S2 and 5S2. We'd never change. So grateful to hear all the wishes. So here's a small celebration I, myself held here in my blog lolll.

I actually hate my hair going back to normal --- Curly again. Pimples morreeeee. 
 Lol I don't know what's with this pose. 

Always eating this pizza --- Okonomiyaki at Yoshiya.
Nothing to say lol
Maybe too excited for birthdays.



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