Friday 21 December 2012

End-of-World-Early-Christmas-Winter-Solstice Celebration (?)

They say it's the end of the world today. But we waited and waited. Waited till it's 12.00am in the United States of America, there's no meteorites, no abnormal situations. So there's it. I've gotta face SPM next year and that's for sure. So today is the Winter Solstice festival (冬至). But I'm not even eating one single Tang Yuan. Not favoring those. :/ Guess I'm weird. 

So spent the night with family at Yoshiya as a celebration for the end of the world, for Christmas, and for Winter Solstice festival. Such a combination

The photos: 

Loving this lipstick. 

Loving Mum.

Loving Dad and Brother. 


The sushis came first. 

The gift that we picked last visit to here. Delicious! Salmon cheese. 

The tempura. 

Okonomiyaki. Never ending love for this. 

Dad's Unagi. 

An "After" pic. Haha. All cleared. 

Before going out. Loving the lipstick. LOL. 

Loving this girl here singing. Perfect singing here! 
Even better than that in the album. 
Of course the album's one was also flawless. 

Stay tuned. xoxo.



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