Saturday 12 January 2013


One. The number of the month. School reopened and I'm so busy with homework and the next week will be the exam week and revisions are not quite done yet. And they say Taylor and Harry broke up. They were just in love about 65 days. Have been to take PMR scholarship yesterday.

Outfit of the day. All grey. Grey shirt, Grey Braps Jeans. 
Have like 3 pairs of Braps in my wardrobe 

Bought one shirt for New Year a few weeks ago, thought I'd post it up here later. 
Bought from Tiesto. 
Need more new year dresses and my mum says No.

But I know I'll buy more. At least 2 to 3 more. 

Pic quality is like so effing bad. But whatever. 
Will earn money and maybe learn a few skills on photo taking. 

Friday morning. Big face. 
They say it'll help in being more skinny when you wake up early and what I'm doing waking up everyday at about 4.45am -.- there's not much outcome yet. 

They say they'd break up. 
So sad. 
And there's this fake song that they say Taylor wrote for this break up. 

It's NOT  Taylor but this song is beautiful!!! 

Baking Chinese New Year  cookies real soon. Baking list:

German crunch ---- 19/1/13
Peanut cookies ---- 19/1/13
Mocha biscuit ---- 20/1/13 (Excited for this!!!! First time baking. Wonder what mocha tastes like.) 

Stay tuned. xoxo.  



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